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Philly is getting some great bike-centered design lately, and the Bike Coalition just posted some images of the South Street bridge.  Awesome!  Between that, and the Pine/Spruce St experiment, things are looking pretty great for downtown Philly!  (Unless of course you are a vehicular cycling nazi).

And did I say bikes and beer in the news?  Sorry, I meant bikes and crap.  Mr President, really?  Really??

Philly Beer Week has come and gone.  I must say, though I missed alot, I was fortunate to get to some really great events this year.  I already wrote about the long bike ride below, so I won’t repeat that.  But here is a quick summary.

Memphis Taproom – Their No-Repeat beer week was outstanding!  I stopped in three times, but I always felt like I was missing something great every day that I wasn’t there!  The highlight for me was the Allagash Interlude, what a complex beer!  But the Fuller on cask was great, Obamagang, La Merle Saison, Port Midnight sessions, the list goes on!

Triumph – I found myself here a bunch of times too.  First for a beer and cheese tasting.  While not sublime, I enjoyed it quite a bit.  The Klash of the Kaisers was awesome too, with a cheap 9 beer flight of some amazing pilsners.  I voted Sly Fox’s Saint Charles Bridge as my favorite.

The Brewery Bike Ride – I posted a recap of the ride over at Beer of the Bike.  Over 150 people came out for this event!

Zythos – This was by far my favorite event of the week.  It was tolerably crowded, had a really nice food spread, and had some amazing beers.  I felt like within the first hour I got my ticket’s worth.  Sure I would have liked more visible signage for the tables, and some drinking water would have been nice, but overall this event ruled.  A full post about the beers I tried might be warranted, but for a taste: Scires, Super Baladin, Hanssens’ kriek, gueze, and cassis, Taras Boulba, De Ranke XX Bitter, ‘t Smisje Calva Reserva and Grand Reserva, Urthel Samaranth, and 12% Importers had some spectacular bottles that I need to track down the names of.

In summary: I can’t wait for next year!